Plaxis Training Courses Uk

2020. 3. 4. 01:38카테고리 없음

Training: Improve your Soil Modelling FEA Skills - Standard Course on Computational GeotechnicsThis popular training programme will help you model geotechnical design problems accurately and efficiently using finite element analysis (FEA) techniques. Featuring lecturers from leading universities and consultants, the course is a mixture of theory and practical workshops based on PLAXIS – the leading simulation program for geotechnical applications.Event DetailsStart Date/Time20 Jun 09:00End Date/Time23 Jun 17:00This international course has been organised annually by Wilde in the UK for over 10 years, helping hundreds of geotechnical engineers involved in design and analysis. Each year it is well attended by participants from consulting and contracting companies, public work bodies and universities. As usual, the forthcoming course consists of a balanced mixture of lectures and “hands-on” computer-based workshops. The lectures will focus mainly on soil behaviour and advanced methods in geotechnical engineering.

  1. Plaxis Modesto
  2. Plaxis Tutorial
  3. Plaxis Tutorials

Subjects such as embankments and deep excavations will be illustrated by practical case studies. This way, the course offers an introduction to the modelling of geotechnical problems that are encountered in day-to-day engineering practice.Introduction DayThe introduction day is scheduled for Monday 20th June before the Standard Course commences on the Tuesday. This optional day is intended for those who have little experience in using Plaxis and would like to become familiar with the software before the actual course starts.

The computer exercises are performed with thePLAXIS 2D code, which is widely acknowledged to be quick and easy to use. Teaching and tutoring will focus on geotechnical aspects, which allows for the short course format of three days.Topics included in the Introduction Day:.

Concepts of PLAXIS 2D Footing on elasto-plastic soil. Structural elements in Plaxis Meshing.


Initial stresses modelling groundwater in Plaxis.What You will Learn during the Standard CourseHow to apply the finite element method (FEM) for efficient and accurate stress and deformation analysis and stability assessment. The computer exercises are performed with the PLAXIS 2D code.

PLAXIS Standard Course on Computational Geotechnics will be held at the Davis Hall of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of California in Berkeley from May 21 to 24. An early bird discount of 10% is taken into account when registering before April 7th 2019.This course focuses on the practical aspects of the finite element method (FEM). Over a dozen similar courses have been given throughout the USA and all together more than 200 at several other locations around the world.

Plaxis Modesto

An optional day is organised that is dedicated to modelling dynamic behaviour and earthquake engineering. The course is meant for professionals from consulting/contracting companies, public work bodies and universities, who are interested in applying advanced tools to practical geotechnical engineering. Experts will give presentations on finite element modelling aspects as well as (geo-)engineering applications, such as staged construction and stability excavations, foundations and embankments.SUBJECT MATTERThe main subject of the course is the practical application of the finite element method (FEM) for stress, deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and design. The course concentrates on the following issues: Modelling complex soil conditions, analysing deformations due to phased construction and excavation, obtaining input data and model parameters from soil investigation, interpreting computational results.

Plaxis Tutorial


Plaxis Tutorials

The course provides the necessary background information for a proper use of the finite element method in geotechnical engineering applications.FORMATEach day consists of a morning and an afternoon session. Each session deals with a specific topic and starts with a general presentation, followed by an introduction to the practical application and a hands-on computer exercise. At the end of each day, extra time is reserved to complete exercises and to discuss the computational results.The total number of participants is limited to thirty (30). Registration will be accepted in the order in which they are received. An early bird discount of 10% is taken into account when registering before April 7th 2019.To learn more about the course and to reserve your seat please click.Source.