Descargar Torrent Volver Almodovar

2020. 2. 22. 01:50카테고리 없음

Descargar Torrent Volver Almodovar

Raimunda, her daughter Paula and her sister Sole travel from Madrid to the windy and superstitious village of Alcanfor de las Infantas to visit the grave of their mother Irene, who died years ago in a fire with her husband. Then they visit Irene's sister Paula, an old senile aunt that raised Raimunda after the death of her parents that insists to tell them that Irene is alive and living with her; later, they go to the house of her neighbor and friend Agustina, who gives a support to Paula. They return to Madrid, and after a hard day of work, Raimunda meets her daughter completely distraught at the bus stop waiting for her. When they arrive home, Paula tells her mother that she killed her unemployed father Paco, who was completely drunk and tried to rape her. While Raimunda hides his body, Sole calls her to tell that their beloved aunt Paula has died. The next morning, Sole travels alone to the funeral, and when she returns to Madrid, she finds her mother hidden in the trunk of her car.

Descargar Torrent Volver Almodovar


Descargar Volver Pedro Almodovar Torrent

This is only the fourth Almodovar film I've watched, even though the local DVD rental store has practically all his work readily available! Since Luis Bunuel is my all-time favorite director, it might seem strange that I have stayed away from the most celebrated film-maker to emerge from this country in recent years but who has gradually turned himself into the Spanish Fellini (incidentally, I find the Italian maestro overrated). Anyway, Almodovar's latest – despite having been nominated for a great number of international awards, winning several of them – is essentially a charmingly humanistic film but, perhaps, too slight to be a masterpiece. Curiously, even if his work often involves crime and assorted transgressions (mercifully toned down here), to my eyes it remains obstinately mundane. The film starts out a ghostly black comedy and, even if eventually abandoning this supernatural territory half-way through, it still satisfies overall. Penelope Cruz is certainly at the top of her game here, and she even gets to sing in one scene; Almodovar regular Carmen Maura is also quite amusing as her troubled mother.